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~ A collective of technologists gathered to better all humankind ~

- Synergist -

'The Man in Black' - Conceptual Architect, founded ANTz based on Hyperglyphs!

- ANTz Coders -

Shane Saxon - System Architect, created ANTz with the NeuralPhysics Engine (NPE).

Lucas Erickson - Core contributor and applied data tools: ANTz GitViz, EOL, and beyond.

Mark Buchanan - AR Evangelist, UI design, live video, realtime 3D visual FX and networking. SGI, OSX and iOS developer of Alchemist Rose.

Joh Johannsen - Artificial Neural Pathways, focused on implementing ANTz IO Channels to form connections between nodes and the real world.

- Data Application Architects -

Jeff Sale - Teaches ANTz at Univeristy of California San Diego Super Computer Center.

Alan B. Scrivener - Human Interface Prototypes (HIP).

Joseph Adams - ANTz video tutorials and documentation.

© Shane Saxon 2010-2023. All rights reserved.

Saxon Digital™, Neuralphysics™, Neural Physics Engine™, NPE™, PODmind™, 7viz™, FileViz™, GaiaViz™, CoderViz™, Csync™, lazyC™, Xr™, Xreality™, ANTz+™, ANTz+Xr™, ANTz+FX™, OpenANTz™, the ANTz logo, the GaiaViz logo, the Saxon Digital logo, the Saxon Digital slogans and Saxon Digital product names are trademarks of Saxon Digital in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other product names, trademarks, and/or company names are used solely for identification and belong to their respective owners.

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